Genealogy Research

Genealogical Societies

Why Join a Genealogical or Historical Society?

Because it is fun to meet people who have the same interests as you! Even if your ancestors are from another state, do not let that stop you from joining the societies where you live. It is a wonderful opportunity to network and meet new friends. Many local societies have members who have expertise on local families, local histories, and landmarks.

National Genealogical Society

Kentucky Genealogical Society

Kentucky Historical Society

Scott County Genealogical Society

Scott County Historical Society

Local and State societies often offer special programs on research tips, have guest speakers, hold informal socials for ‘problem solving’, provide information on the newest software or technology, arrange field trips to research institutions and historical landmarks, recruit volunteers for local society events, and many more activities for their members.

National societies often provide discounts on the latest books and CDs pertaining to genealogy and historical preservation, educational online courses, newsletters, and of course……….guaranteed great fun at the national conferences where you can attend lectures by noted national and international speakers! So, whether your interest lies in family histories or historical preservation, there is a local, state, and national society that can enhance your experience.